I go to sit and write my blog piece every month, I take a deep breath and try to fill the page with something that may catch the reader’s attention and not bore them to tears. Each month I collaborate with a variety of dynamic, intelligent, and highly motivated souls that I love to call ‘my team’. They provide the depth of knowledge and experience that some days I feel I am lacking. They give me the support and freedom to do the work I love to do and take the burden away from me when I feel that the load of work is too heavy to carry alone.

Collaboration is a new concept or so we are led to believe but, in this world, we collaborate with people every day in our life whether it be with a partner, family member or the colleague that can make a difference to the pitch you are about to give to your client. It can be the secret weapon that you have within your armoury, so that when the big guns are required you can make that phone call, knock on the office next door, or look across at the next desk and ask – can you help?

I have the most beautiful working relationships with many people, and I am proud to say that often these relationships deepen into personal friendships as the years roll by and we get to know each other better. It may be from a chance conversation, a lovely introduction at a networking event or working together on a project but however they start, these little seeds can turn into the most beautiful fruits of labour and love.

The energy creates and pulls together the brightest stars and is what motivates me and feeds my passion for creating unique and memorable events. But don’t just take it from me as I could bang this drum and you can just whisper, really? 

Let me introduce you to a few of my stars and how they feel that collaboration works for them and what they gain from it!

“I first met Claire when we were both providing support for a growing business. Although we had different roles I think we both recognised in each other that we were of the same ‘ilk’ in terms of professionalism and attitude. When Claire launched her events business and needed some help with her administration she got in touch. We have now been working together for over 3 years and as well as supporting each other in a professional sense we have established a firm friendship which I value greatly.” Emma Waterer, Expert Virtual Assistant Services

“I find it really beneficial to share our office with Love Luxury Events. We have collaborated together on various occasions, so it’s useful to have Claire around to bounce ideas off and talk through logistical nightmares. Claire’s quick thinking and infinite connections always prove useful, especially during stressful times.” Martin Leppard, H2 Productions

“After many attempts to join the industry, I was welcomed to the events world about four years ago by Claire, when I became a member of her team and I have not looked back since. During our time working together I learnt so much and it has directly led me to where I am today. Now, whenever one of my clients needs an Event Maker, Claire is the first person I think of as I know that they are well and truly in safe hands.” Sophie Burgess, Hever Castle

“When I forced myself to attend yet another online networking event during the lockdown – having been made redundant from a job I loved – little did I know that this one would change everything! Claire’s inspirational speech made me face my fears about giving freelancing a go. Every interaction that I have had with Claire since gives me an additional boost of positivity and I know that I would not be where I am today without her influence.” Majda Ledden, Majda’s Touch Marketing

Quite simply you will work with and meet a variety of people and if you get that ‘Hell YES!’ feeling then take the leap, reach out to them, and see just where the collaboration can take you. 

Remember nothing ventured, nothing gained!